So, the story goes on. F-Tech stand for future technologies. Nothing can stop the advent of the future. We've got incorporated and are looking for...
How To Catch Graphs With Linked Lists And Generics It’s great to be with you today. I’m Alexander Novikov. I’ve been fascinated by graphs for many...
Last year I applied for registering hxgn with the Russian patent agency. I sent them a short description and a basic implementation of the algorithm...
Recently I spent some time musing on the subject of a new programming language. Existing old and young languages have their advantages and...
If we picture a dot in any dimension we can draw lines to respective marks on each axis. After this action a dot can be viewed as a graph vertex with...
Some progress has been made in showing moving objects. Top layers in an image pyramid set thresholds for lower layers. Here is an apple in front of my...